If you have received an infraction within the Fircrest or Ruston city limits, you have 30 days to respond to your ticket.
In the upper right hand corner of the infraction, you will find four response options:
- PAY THE TICKET: Select the first box and mail in a check or money order for the amount of the ticket. This is will go on your driving record if “traffic” is marked on your ticket. You may also come to the court and pay this at the counter. The counter accepts cash, check, money order, and credit card *service fee applies to all card payments. No American Express, touch pay or apple pay. To pay online click here. Any NSF check will be treated as a failure to respond/appear.
- PAYMENT PLAN: Select the second box, sign and mail in, bring in person, or scan/email the ticket to the court. Two payment options available; please notify the court which option you are requesting.
- Option 1. Pay in full within 30 days.
- Option 2. Month to month* payment plan. Please provide current contact information, the amount you can pay monthly ($50 minimum), and your monthly due date. *A $10 administrative fee will be added to tickets requiring a month to month payment plan.
- MITIGATION HEARING: Select the third box, sign, and file with the court. Mitigating your ticket means you are agreeing you committed the infraction but would like to explain the circumstances why.
- CONTESTED HEARING: Select the fourth box, sign, and file with the court. Contesting your ticket means you are saying you did not commit the infraction.
Filing options include mailing it in, dropping it off in person, using the secured drop box attached to the building (do not use ballot box), or e-filing.
When mitigating or contesting your infraction and the court receives your response, the court will send you a Hearing Notice when you are to appear. Included with the notice is a hearing by mail option. When choosing to have a hearing by mail, the information must be received BEFORE the court date. If this is not received, it will be treated as a failure to appear if you do not show up for your appointed hearing time.
Please make sure when responding to a ticket that we have your correct address.
**Please note: Fircrest Municipal Court only has court on Wednesday mornings, Ruston Court held every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursday of each month.