City of Fircrest Comprehensive Plan – amended December 2020

The Comprehensive Plan is a broad statement of the community’s vision for the future and contains policies primarily to guide the physical development of the city, as well as certain aspects of its social and economic character. The Plan steers regulations, implementation actions and services in a direction that supports the vision. The Plan reflects the long-term values and aspirations of the community as a whole and shows how various aspects, such as land use, housing, transportation, capital facilities and services work together to achieve the desired vision.

Community Character
Land Use Element
Housing Element
Transportation Element
Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Element
Capital Facilities Element
Utilities Element

Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan – adopted March 2020

The Fircrest Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan is the strategic planning tool for making parks, open space, facility, and reactional program decisions over the next six to twenty years. The Plan identifies the actions vital for the City to implement to satisfy the expectations of the community. The 2014 PROS Plan and amendments are incorporated by reference and considered to be a component of the PROS Element and Comprehensive Plan.

Parks Recreation & Open Space Plan


6-Year Transportation Improvement Program – Each city is required to maintain a Six-Year Comprehensive Transportation Program.  The primary objective of the Program is to integrate anticipated revenues with desirable projects to produce a comprehensive, realistic program for the orderly development and maintenance of our street system. The Program is necessary to allow cities and counties to obtain State and Federal funding. The annual TIP is required to be adopted by July 1st of each year. Most public hearings and related Council approval takes place in May or June. 

6-Year TIP