Public Works Capital Projects

PLEASE NOTE:  Any capital project documents obtained from this website is up to the downloader to monitor for changes.
Please check back regularly to verify you have the most current information.



A.    AMI Meter Exchange Program
        Ongoing project – We are continuing to change out existing, manually read, meters to automatic
This means reading and meter data will be automatically transmitted to the Public Works office.  This will help troubleshoot problems, assist you with instant hourly read data, determine if there is a leak at your location, and more.



A.   44th St and 67th Ave Lift Station Upgrade Project
     Design has been completed. Posted for construction bid 
 Advertisement for Bid

Contract Documents – Last Update 12/27/2023

General Bid Documents
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
BIDDERS CHECKLIST – revised 10/25/2023
BID Opening Results 10/31/2023

Bid Tabulation Sheet


A.   Stormwater Pretreatment Outfall Project
       Project has been completed.



A.  Emerson Street Sidewalk Project
      Funded for design in 2023 and construction in 2024
Engineer Selected

B.   Regents Blvd Grind and Overlay including ADA Improvements
      Funded for design in 2023 and not yet funded for construction
Engineer Company Selected

C.    South Orchard St Grind and Overlay including ADA improvements
Funded for design in 2023 and construction in 2024


Title VI Information