Title VI Program Non-Discrimination

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is a direct recipient of Federal financial assistance. All recipients are required to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title 23 CFR Part 200 and Title 49 CFR Part 21), as well as related statutes and regulations. It…

Do Your Part – Storm Clean-up

Fall and winter have arrived and at Public Works that means keeping the roads and storm systems clear and clean. It would be most helpful if the residents assisted us in keeping the storm grates clear. As a reminder, please DO NOT blow or throw debris into the streets as…

Community Center Salvage Sealed Bid

City of Fircrest Community Center Salvage Sealed Bid BID ADVERTISEMENT:   Close Date:    September 10th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Subject:  Community Center Salvage Material & Equipment Address: 555 Contra Costa Street   Fircrest, WA 98466   The City of Fircrest is inviting submittal of sealed bids for Community Center Salvage Materials…

Emerson Sidewalk Project

Construction Notice The City of Fircrest along with their consultant, KPG, and contractor, RL Alia will be installing a new sidewalk along the south side of Emerson between Alameda and Thelma Gilmur Park. Construction is scheduled to begin Tuesday, September 8th and last 30 working days.   During this time of…

Construction on Alameda

Construction Notice. The City of Fircrest along with their consultant, KPG, and contractor, Miles Resources will be installing some curb and gutter and grinding and overlaying a new road surface on Alameda Ave., between Regents and Electron. Construction is scheduled to begin Monday, August 24 and last 20 working days.…

August2020 Utility Bills

Due to unforeseen circumstances your Fircrest Utility Bills are being processed 2 business days later than expected this month (August 2020).  They are being mailed out tomorrow, Tuesday August 18, 2020.

2021 Calendar Art Contest

Do you have an artist in your family or someone who loves to draw? Maybe someone who would love the opportunity to get their picture in our 2021 City of Fircrest Calendar? The City of Fircrest is beginning to develop the 2021 calendar to promote stormwater pollution prevention practices. To…

Request for Bid – Community Center

BID ADVERTISEMENT:  Click HERE to view the complete announcement Bid Opening:    August 11th, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Subject:               City of Fircrest, Community Center Project Site Address:              555 Contra Costa Street   Fircrest, WA 98466 This letter and its attachments shall serve as the plans and specifications for the above-referenced project. Free‐of‐charge…

Public Works 2020 Capital Projects

Emerson Sidewalk Extension Project The Emerson Sidewalk Extension Project will add sidewalks to the South side of Emerson from Alameda to Thelma Gilmur park. This project will also include improving the existing crosswalk at Thelma Gilmur park across Emerson so that becomes a safer crossing situation. This project is funded…

Sound Transit Link Extension

Sound Transit has indicated that early planning for the TCC Tacoma Link Extension is scheduled to start around 2039-2041. The Tacoma Link will extend from its terminus in the Hilltop neighborhood to Tacoma Community College, adding six stations. With this extension, the Tacoma Link will connect us to Downtown Tacoma…