NOTICE IS HEREBY PROVIDED that the City of Fircrest Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on July 19, 2018, at 6:00 pm or shortly after at the Fircrest City Hall on the following applications:
Case No. 18-06: An application to demolish three existing structures and construct a new 4,706-square foot restaurant with double drive-thru. Project requires a preliminary site plan, administrative use permit, and a variance for additional parking stalls
Project Location: 6520 19th Street W, Fircrest WA 98466 (Charley’s and adjacent law office) parcels 0220116007, 0220116008, & 0220112063
Applicant: Chick-fil-A, Inc
15635 Alton Parkway, Suite 350
Irvine, CA 92618
Comments: Interested persons may appear and provide written or oral testimony. Written comments addressing the criteria for approval may be submitted to the City of Fircrest prior to the date of the hearing and shall include the application name and case reference number (Case 18-06).
Proposal Review: Pertinent documents, including the permit application and project plans are available for review at the above location and on the website:
Procedure: The public hearing procedure can be found at FMC 22.09.
Please Note: The action taken by the Planning Commission on this application is final unless appealed to the City Council.
Contact: All questions or written comments should be directed to:
Angelie Stahlnecker
Fircrest City Hall
Planning and Building Department
115 Ramsdell Street
Fircrest, WA 98466
City Hall is ADA accessible. Interpreters, signers or auxiliary aids will be provided upon five business days advanced notice.