High Tank Site Painting Project
This project is to coat the exterior of both tanks at the High Tank Site. This helps preserve the tanks and will also provide a new logo on the high tank. The project has been awarded to Long Painting Company. The painting will take place mid to late summer to make sure the weather cooperates with us. This project is being funded out of the REET funds.
Alameda Avenue Grind and Overlay Project
This project is resurfacing Alameda Ave. between Regents and Columbia. The City received a grant for this work from the Puget Sound Regional Council. The project is under design and should be constructed when school is out for the summer and completed before school starts again.
Farallone Avenue Storm drain improvements
A new storm line will be installed along the 1200 block of Farallone. This work is funded from the storm capital budget and will be done by our public works crew. This is scheduled to take place during the summer months.
Water main replacement on 400 block of Summit Ave.
Water mains that are undersized and old will be replaced along this block. This will be done by our public works crews and is schedule to be done in the summer months. This is funded by the water capital fund.
Sanitary Sewer connecting main on 100 block of Farallone
This project is connecting existing backyard sewer mains that were previously done and rerouting the sewer line to replace an existing line that runs underneath a house. The project is under design and construction is scheduled to take place early summer. The project is funded by the sewer capital fund.