Fircrest City Council 05/15/23 Study Session – Canceled

NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION of the CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Notice is hereby given that the Study Session of the Fircrest City Council scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2023, has been canceled. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Fircrest City Council is set for Tuesday, May…

Stormwater Filter / Catch Basin Replacement Project

The City of Fircrest Public Works Department along with Pape & Sons Construction Inc., will be replacing catch basins with filtered type structures on Estate Place starting Monday, May 8.  For the duration of this project you can expect no parking signs on the street in various locations and limited…

Backhoe for Sale

The City is now accepting sealed bids for a 2002 Caterpillar 420D Loader Backhoe Extendahoe. Backhoe Sale – Click for More Information

Replacement of School Crosswalks and Markings

The roadway replacement of the school crosswalks and markings at both Whittier and Wainwright has been scheduled for Friday 4/21.  The contractor is planning to start after the morning traffic rush around 9:00am.  Both schools are located on Alameda Ave and traffic controls will be in place.  The work shouldn’t…

Meet the Candidates for the Police Chief & City Manager Positions

The City of Fircrest is excited to host a meet and greet with the selected candidates for both the City Manager and Police Chief positions. The City Manager Meet & Greet will be held on April 20, 2023, at the Roy H. Murphy Community Center. The Meet & Greet will…

Pierce County Small Business Innovation Matching Grant program

The Pierce County Small Business Innovation Matching Grant program helps small businesses located in unincorporated* Pierce County and certain cities and towns (see list below) move forward in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. This grant can assist with innovative projects that will help businesses grow and ultimately become more resilient. Eligible…

Washington Hospitality Grant Program

Administered through the Washington Department of Commerce, this program will award one-time grants to hospitality businesses in Washington State that have experienced pandemic-related losses. Of the available funding, a portion will be set aside specifically to reimburse lodging establishments that experienced losses during the state’s eviction moratorium pursuant to the…

Request for Qualifications – Whittier Park Master Plan

RFQ Complete Document CITY OF FIRCREST REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS PACKET Whittier Park Master Plan Statement of Qualifications Due Date: 4/7/2023 The City of Fircrest is soliciting statements of qualifications and proposals from qualified firms experienced in park design to provide planning services to complete a master plan for Fircrest’s Whittier…

New Watermain Install

The City of Fircrest water department will be installing a new 8″ water main replacing an old 2″ steel water main along the south side of the 700 block of Regents Boulevard. We will be mobilizing equipment and materials starting on March 8, 2023. The project should last approximately two…

Message From Chief Cheesman Regarding Tyre Nichols

Fircrest Community, All the members of the Fircrest Police Department are disheartened by the events that occurred in Memphis that led to the death of Tyre Nichols.  We stand with all law enforcement in condemning the ex-police officers who have rightfully been charged with the murder of Tyre Nichols.  Please…