April 14, 2022 – Community Center Construction Update:
Fircrest to Open New Community Center April 26
Programming in Roy H. Murphy Community Center to begin May 2
We will have more details on other upcoming programs as the center opens and community interest becomes clearer. What we do know is that we will begin offering programs starting on May 2nd. We will open the facility up with a few past programs and will continue to gradually increase our programming as the bugs get worked out of the new building. We are planning to bring back some past programming along with a variety of new programs.
Planning is underway for activities and programs for all ages that will utilize all the different recreational facilities and spaces the City of Fircrest has to offer. We are working on everything from adult sports to active adult trips, card groups, fitness classes, and a wide range of youth programming. We are excited to utilize the new Community Center and offer programs that deepen connections to the community and each other. Any ideas and recommendations are always welcome. Please stay tuned to the website for updates! https://www.cityoffircrest.net/government/parks-and-recreation/
February 25, 2022 – Community Center Construction Update:
We are getting closer to the completion of the new Roy H. Murphy Community Center. Although the date may change, the tentative date for Final Completion is April 2. The overall quality of the building and site construction are looking great. Although the building is still under construction and not open for city staff or the public, the contractor removed the perimeter fence on Friday, February 25th, and the exterior sidewalks are now accessible. The contractor is working diligently to complete construction on the community center as they continue to navigate through shipping and supply chain issues.
The majority of the engraved bricks have been placed in the plaza adjacent to the stairs leading into the park. They will be covered and cordoned off until the final bricks are laid in place.
In 2019 the Kokich family generously donated two bronze sculptures by Larry Anderson to the City of Fircrest. The sculptures will be placed at the west entrance to the community center. The sculpture titled “Vince” was installed this week. We look forward to the installation of the second sculpture titled “Marija” in the next week or two followed by recognition plaques.
February 2, 2022 – Community Center Construction Update:
The Community Center is scheduled to be substantially complete by February 18th, with a final completion date on or around March 21st.
We will continue to update this page with new and upcoming information regarding the construction, grand opening, program offerings, and program start dates.
July 13, 2020 – Phase II Community Center – Request for Bids Click HERE for more information
May 26, 2020 – Pool Construction and Swim Season Update:
Hello Fircrest Residents,
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during the current pandemic. As we approach the time of year when the City would usually be getting ready to open the pool, I want to provide an update on the pool construction and how it will affect the 2020 swim season.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the new pool was on track to open in mid- to late June. But the crisis forced all construction work to shut down for a while, and when it resumed it did so under new health guidelines designed to protect the construction workers. That means the work is moving slower because fewer workers can be inside the new pool house during construction.
Kassel and Associates, the builder, is being innovative as it navigates the new worksite regulations. As a result, we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to open the pool in August for a brief swim season.
That timeframe depends on various things falling into place. First, pool construction has to get completed, and while the builder is doing great things, they have to deal with suppliers and vendors that are coping with the effects of the pandemic as well. Once the builder turns the pool over to the City, we will need to equip and furnish it, get trained on the new pool systems, and hire and train staff in order to open to the public. The timeframe also depends on the Governor’s reopening strategy. Under current guidelines, we cannot open the pool until Phase 3 of the Governor’s strategy, and Phase 3 only permits opening at less than 50% capacity.
The City remains hopeful that we will be able to have a grand opening for the new pool and have a shortened swim season. As we move through the summer, we will continue to post updates to the City website and Facebook, as well as on City buildings.
Stay safe and healthy!
Scott Pingel, City Manager
August 19, 2019 – The Fircrest pool construction started
After going out for bids, the City of Fircrest chose lowest bidder Kassel & Associates, Inc. as the general contractor to build the pool. Kassel has a long history of building schools and recreational facilities.
Construction will begin on the new pool on August 19, 2019, after the end of the 2019 swimming season. Construction is expected to take 10 months, and should be completed in mid June of 2020. The pool opening is TBD.
We will be going out to bid for the community center in 2020.
Time Lapse Videos from November 15, 2019 to December 17, 2019
Pool House
Time Lapse Videos from October 8, 2019 to November 8, 2019
Pool House
Pool Progress – Photos from September 4 through October 23, 2019
Kassel and Associates, Inc. have demolished the old pool and bathhouse, and have created the footprints for the new pool and bathhouse. The new bathhouse has the footings poured, and the plumbing is being finished before the foundation is poured. The new pool has been dug out and the footings for the new pool are being created.
Pool Progress – Photos from August 30, 2019
Kassel and Associates, Inc. have been hard at work demolishing the City of Fircrest Pool. It’s sad to see the 57 year old pool be torn up, however it is exciting to think about the new pool and new memories it will create in the future. Photos generously taken by Joe Barrentine.
Pool Celebration
On August 17, 2019, the City of Fircrest celebrated the closing of the current pool with past mayors, councilmen, pool steering committee members and the community. Mayor Hunter George emcee’d the event. The first Fircrest Parks and Recreation Director, Roy Murphy’s daughter talked about her fathers passion for the community center and city and how the whole family helped with the recreation programs. Councilman Blake Surina shared the history of the 57 year old pool, which was built for $85,000.
It was shared that The Names Family Foundation pledged $3 million towards the project along with the Bill and Joyce Family Foundation $1 million. Click here to learn more about the gift. The celebration finished with everyone jumping in the pool and enjoying the pool one last time.
Updated December 19, 2019