Mildred Street Prose Development
Alliance Residential is proposing to redevelop a vacant 9.5-acre parcel on the east side of Mildred Street. The parcel is best known for housing goats to keep vegetation at bay. The proposal is for a mixed-use development that would consist of four multistory buildings including commercial spaces and 389 apartment units, and a central plaza. While a mixed-use project is allowed on the site under current regulations, the applicant’s vision for the project does not fully align with specific Form-Based Code provisions that would apply to the site. Before the project can move forward to permitting, the City will hold multiple study sessions and public hearings with the City Council, Planning Commission, and Hearing Examiner to solicit public input on required applications, including ones requesting amendments to the zoning map and text.
Four separate land use applications will need to be approved before building permits can be issued and construction can begin on the project.
The four land-use applications are as follows: (links below route to the municipal code)
Development Regulation (Text) Amendment Case# LU 22-03
The applicant proposes to amend text and graphics in the Land Development Code, mainly those contained within the Form Based Code, to accommodate project design elements that are not consistent with current regulations. The Planning Commission will conduct one or more study sessions and hearings and make a recommendation to the City Council. Council will hold one or more study sessions and hearings before making the final decision.
Zoning Map Amendment Case# LU 22-04
The applicant proposes to amend the zoning map to reflect their intended project configuration, which would result in the relocation of open space areas and streets from the adopted regulating plan. The Hearing Examiner will conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council. Council will hold a closed record review before making the final decision.
Major Preliminary Site Plan Review Case# LU 22-05
The applicant requests approval of the conceptual site and building designs for this project. The Hearing Examiner will conduct a public hearing and make the final decision.
Administrative Design Review Case# LU 22-06
The applicant requests approval of final detailed plans for the site and building designs for this project. The City’s Principal Planner and Director will review designs for code compliance and issue the final decision.
How can you be involved?
The Planning Commission, Hearing Examiner, and City Council will hold various study sessions and hearings to review the applications and receive public input. All of the meetings are open to the public.
The meetings are located at City Hall. 115 Ramsdell Street Fircrest, WA 98466.
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